Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Very First Post

There is so much to say and only so much to say it in, but I have to tell you that this blog will be about the little joys in life, and not the sadness, we have too much of that!  I have so fortunate to have found so many friends thru this amazing tool called the internet, and I have also been lucky enough to travel places to meet them.  I can remember when I first started on the web, way back when, I owned a retail country gift and scrapbooking shop that allowed me so many opportunities.  I would attend gift shows all over the US and not only was I there as a buyer, but I would participate in seminars, give others the benefit of what I had learned in my years as a gift shop owner, I Loved It! 

As always, life has away of taking hold and we closed our shop the week of 9/11 so that I would be able to devote more time to taking care of my ailing mother-in-law.  What an amazing opportunity that became, and what a powerful woman she was with an unwavering faith in her God and a strong love of her family, it opened my eyes to someone I had never met before.  I helped take care of her until she passed at the age of 91 and I was blessed by the whole experience, she helped me see that being a wife, mother and caretaker is as important a career as any.

I love crafting and belong to two groups who are stretching my wings and making me fly, and the girls in those groups are an uplifting circle of friends.  I hope to keep you posted on what we do and when we do it thru this blog, I also intend so speak my mind about some things I see, all in good fun and with a little bit of sarcasm on the side, stay tuned for my side of life!

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