I know it has been a while since my last post, life and other matters sometimes gets in the way and you just have to do what you have to do to get by. Our home is a blended home of two families, my husband and myself along with our youngest daughter, her husband and son. Two years ago, we merged our lives because financially, things were tough for both of us. My son-in-law was getting a new business off the ground and my husband had major setbacks in his career after almost thirty years in the financial industry. Although my husband is not college educated, he is extremely smart and has a very good "gut" way of doing things, I admire him for his ability to succeed in a world where a degree means everything, no matter what the degree is in. He also has had to overcome some very major health issues including three (3) open heart surgeries and too many to count cancer operations and treatments, needless to say, his health is a daily struggle for him.
He has probably been the most supportive man I could have ever asked for, especially when you consider what my birth family has subjected us to. And this is where things can get dicey, so I will be taking this in stages as much of what I say will be difficult to believe or understand, especially when you consider that it is family, but I was so often told, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family.
To say that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth would be a tremendous understatement. My mother's adoptive family was one of tremendous wealth and power in the 1800's and early 1900's, which is why they were permitted to adopt her and bring her over from England. Their social status was above reproach with very deep roots in both the history and financial aspects of this country. My father's family was a very prominent family from the South, and the merging of these two families was acrimonious, to say the least.
I want to outline my family's background for you to understand where I am today and why I have decided to write down my thoughts and feelings. Much of what I am about to tell you is valuable historically, but it has also been the reason why my family is so dysfunctional. Some of my stories are funny, many are painful, but for me to get to the place where I need to be, they need to be told.